Tuesday, June 14, 2011


A picture listed kaolin cliffs on the side of the upright is a cliff as high as more or less 2, 40 m, composed of minerals kaolin. Cliff kaolin was formed because of outcrops made man. The cliff is land belonging to residents in it there are building homes and yards. The cliff is located in the village of kaolin Kedungbanteng Subdistrict Sumbermanjing, Malang. That's one of the locations of field-college students majoring in Physics-Geology/Geophysics study programs FMIPA  Brawijaya University (UB) Malang, East Java. College square is guided directly by the Chairman of the Department of physics/Geophysical Studies Program, Adi Susilo, P.Hd on Sunday, June 12, 2011. In the activity of this Adi Susilo, p. Hd invites principal SMAN 1 Sumbermanjingwetan Drs. Ibnu Harsoyo and Senior Teacher of SMAN 1 Pagak to subjects geography of Iswahyudiharto, S.Pd.

Minerals Kaolin, kaolin (Al2O32SiO4.2 H2O) is one example of high-quality, software, and not plastis. The minerals constituting is kaolinit, nakrit, and little violence between 2-2.5 and the weight of its kind 2.6-autoconf. As it appears on the image, the color of the minerals it is white, gray, white and pinkish. In addition there is also a kaolin that is colored gray, yellowish, or pinkish. Deposits of kaolin goes through weathering and decomposition of igneous and metamorphic rock rich in aluminum silicates (gramit, greissen, and porfiri quartz). Deposit of kaolin can also occur by the process of kaolinisasi on the rocks of the felsfatik, where the mineral potash minerals-silicates and aluminium feldspar was changed to kaolin.

When a student asked the owner of the benefits of kaolin, land which is above the cliff suddenly said, "to paint Yes Sir". It is true, one of the benefits of kaolin in everyday life is for the manufacture of paint. In addition, kaolin was also utilized for ceramics; refractory materials; porcelain; the material mix in the paper industry, textile, rubber, pharmaceuticals, shoe Polish, toothpaste, compounds, and other chemical industries; as well as the plaster walls. Remember! Refractory used in making a shuttle belonging to the United States it comes from kaolin.

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